Hey! Happy Saturday! Matt here. Anyone else have a candy hangover from Halloween still? No? Cool.
Welcome to the Construction Curiosities newsletter. Especially to the New Subscribers.

We continue to grow each week! Thanks for spreading the word to your world!
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This weekly Newsletter explores my Curiosities about the Construction Industry. It’s meant to make you think, smile, and become a better, more well-informed Construction Professional.
This week we will look at:
- Three Videos: Billd Construction Roundtable
- One Article: Renovating America
- One Quote: Believe in Yourself
- One Meme: Post-Halloween Decorations
Three Videos
A General Contractor, a Subcontractor, and an Equipment Supplier sit at a roundtable.
This has all the makings of a bad joke.
But on November 1st, Billd released a 3-part series from a roundtable discussion with these 3 key members of your typical project team.
When my buddy Hayden reached out to me early with a sneak peek, I’ll be honest, I was leery. I was a little concerned it would mostly be an advertisement for their product.
Boy was I wrong. (They don’t even mention it once.)
This series is knowledge-packed and all the guys around the table are very open and honest about the realities and struggles of the construction world.
Y’all listen to me enough. This week listen to these industry leaders talk for a few minutes.
Episode 1: Material Lead Times
Key Moments:
- Supply chain/ labor pool issues and effectively communicating to owners to manage expectations
- Benefits of bringing in subs/ suppliers early in the design process. Particularly in today’s reality for true full project team collaboration for project success
- How to start your project with a shared “Project purpose statement” to create a rallying cry for everyone to get behind.
Episode 2: The Repayment Chain
Key Moments:
- The repayments chain is broken (but the norm) and how slow payments stress relationships
- A fantastic walkthrough of the pay application process
- How Net30 terms, upward and downward the repayment chain creates a clash in the middle (subcontractor level)
- Why do these guys do what they do?
Episode 3: Workforce Development
Key Moments:
- The Skilled Labor shortage and the pending mass retirement exodus
- Endless advancement opportunities in the construction industry
- Creative solutions to overcome labor and schedule hurdles
Told you they were knowledge packed. What do you think? Let us know!
Did you scroll past, skim the bullet points and move on? Scroll back up and watch the videos. You won’t be disappointed.

One Article
One Nation, Under Renovation
For the first time in 20 years, renovations have overtaken new construction in architectural billings in the US.
One Quote

One Meme
For when you don’t know what to do with your decorations after Halloween…

Want to be featured in an upcoming Reader Spotlight?? Shoot me a message at matt@constructionyeti.com and let’s chat. It can be anything construction related! Look forward to seeing and sharing what you all are working on!
Let me know in the comments or by email (matt@constructionyeti.com) about what you liked, didn’t like, want to see more of in the future, or have suggestions! Look forward to hearing from you.
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Hope everyone has a great weekend!